Monday, April 1, 2024

Handling Water Damaged Paintings and Art in Los Angeles, Orange County, and Santa Barbara

Are you concerned about flooding's impact on your art collection? This article will give you the tools that you need to deal with water-damaged paintings and art and prevention. With torrential rains affecting areas like Los Angeles, Orange County, and Santa Barbara, safeguarding your prized paintings is crucial. From cherished family heirlooms to valuable masterpieces, water damage poses a significant threat. Here's how to protect your collection:

flooded living room

Understanding the Risk:

Torrential rains heighten the risk of water damage. Floodwaters can seep into homes, harming paintings whether displayed or stored. Recognize flooding's dangers and take proactive steps to safeguard your collection.

Assessing Vulnerabilities:

Identify areas prone to water intrusion, like basements or ground-level rooms. Look for signs of water damage, such as dampness or mold growth. Understanding vulnerabilities helps develop mitigation strategies.

Implementing Protective Measures:

Install drainage systems and seal windows and doors to direct water away. Consider flood barriers or sandbags for protection. Elevate artwork or store it in waterproof containers to minimize exposure.

Maintaining Climate Control:

Stabilize indoor humidity to prevent moisture buildup and mold growth. Consult a professional conservator for ideal storage conditions. Use dehumidifiers and air conditioning to regulate humidity and ensure proper ventilation.

image of paintings boxed up, in a climate controlled storage facilty

Seeking Professional Assistance:

In case of water damage, seek help from professional conservators like Scott M. Haskins at FACL, Inc. Their expertise in restoration can salvage and preserve artwork. Act quickly to assess damage, remove moisture, and treat affected pieces.

With proactive measures and professional assistance, you can minimize the risk of water damage to your artwork. Protect your collection from floods and rains to preserve its beauty and value for future generations. Remember, prevention is key to safeguarding your cherished artworks.

an art conservator cleaning the effects of water damage off of an oil painting

Has the Rain Already Damaged Your Paintings? We Can Help with an Insurance Claim!

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our expertise is honored nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind. 

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It’s a bit of a coup to get an article syndicated, and its certainly prestigious, as additional “proof” that the info and the author are considered far and wide authoritative and an expert in the field. So, enjoy and trust our content!! This article was syndicated for USA national redistribution.

When something is published, usually by a news source, and is made available through different venues for redistribution then it is said to be syndicated. Publications that are syndicated are usually considered of value as being from an expert, educational, new worthy, or valuable for wide popular interest. See the syndication page at the renowned publicity site:

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1) Included in the ExpertClick Press Room as a ‘press release.’ (different than a ‘news release’)

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6) Shown via RSS linked from the Press Room. (A specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

7) Shown in the full RSS feed from ExpertClick. (Another, different specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

8) Syndicated to As of 2006, the company had the world’s largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information, distributor of academic content and expert opinion.

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Monday, March 18, 2024

Essential Guide: Top 5 Art Conservation Tips for New Art Owners in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California

Embarking on a journey as an art owner is an exhilarating endeavor, filled with boundless creativity and cultural enrichment. However, navigating the realm of art conservation-related issues can be daunting for newcomers. Whether you've inherited cherished artworks, are contemplating starting an art collection, or are a budding hobbyist art collector, understanding the fundamentals of art conservation is paramount to preserving the integrity and value of your precious pieces. Here are the top five things that new art owners should know about art conservation-related issues in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California.

1. Understanding the Importance of Art Conservation: As a new art owner, recognizing the significance of art conservation is crucial. Artworks are susceptible to various environmental factors, including humidity, temperature fluctuations, and light exposure, which can lead to deterioration over time. By prioritizing art conservation, you can prolong the lifespan of your collection and maintain its aesthetic and monetary value for generations to come.

2. Identifying Common Conservation Concerns: Familiarizing yourself with common conservation concerns empowers you to detect potential issues early on. Look out for signs of insect damage, such as surface distortions or visible holes, which can be prevalent in the mild climate of Southern California. Additionally, be mindful of factors like fading pigments, flaking paint, and unstable framing, as these can indicate underlying conservation issues that require prompt attention.

3. Seeking Professional Guidance and Expertise: When confronted with conservation-related challenges, don't hesitate to seek professional guidance and expertise. Establishing relationships with reputable art conservators in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California, is essential for addressing conservation issues effectively. These experts possess the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to assess, diagnose, and remediate conservation concerns with precision and care.

4. Implementing Preventative Conservation Measures: Prevention is key when it comes to art conservation. Take proactive steps to safeguard your artworks by implementing preventative conservation measures. Store your pieces in a stable environment with controlled temperature and humidity levels, minimize exposure to direct sunlight, and handle artworks with care to prevent physical damage. By adopting these practices, you can mitigate the risk of conservation issues and preserve the longevity of your collection.

5. Educating Yourself Continuously: Art conservation is an ever-evolving field, and staying informed about new developments and best practices is essential for art owners. Take advantage of educational resources, workshops, and seminars offered by museums, galleries, and conservation organizations in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California. By continuously educating yourself about art conservation, you can make informed decisions regarding the care and preservation of your artworks.

In conclusion, embarking on the journey of art ownership is a rewarding experience enriched by the beauty and cultural significance of artworks. By understanding the importance of art conservation, identifying common conservation concerns, seeking professional guidance, implementing preventative measures, and educating yourself continuously, you can navigate the complexities of art conservation-related issues with confidence and ensure the long-term preservation of your treasured collection in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California. 

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our expertise is honored nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind. 

This blog post has been syndicated at What does it mean that this article is “ syndicated”?

It’s a bit of a coup to get an article syndicated, and its certainly prestigious, as additional “proof” that the info and the author are considered far and wide authoritative and an expert in the field. So, enjoy and trust our content!! This article was syndicated for USA national redistribution.

When something is published, usually by a news source, and is made available through different venues for redistribution then it is said to be syndicated. Publications that are syndicated are usually considered of value as being from an expert, educational, new worthy or valuable for wide popular interest. See syndication page at the renowned publicity site:

This website’s syndication included:

1) Included in the ExpertClick Press Room as a ‘press release.’ (different than a ‘news release’)

2) Included in the ‘Speaker Bureau Platform Page.’

3) Shown on the front page of ExpertClick, in rotation with other most recent posts.

4) Shown in the ‘News Release Results page.’

5) Included on optimized for searches on all my topics of expertise.

6) Shown via RSS linked from the Press Room. (A specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

7) Shown in the full RSS feed from ExpertClick. (Another, different specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

8) Syndicated to As of 2006, the company had the world’s largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information, distributor of academic content and expert opinion.

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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Flaking on Oil or Acrylic Paintings: What to Do

Have you noticed flaking on your artwork? Don't panic! There are solutions. Flaking on oil or acrylic paintings can be distressing, but understanding its causes and prevention methods is crucial for preserving your cherished artworks. Flaking occurs when the bond between the layers of paint and the surface they're applied to breaks down. This breakdown can happen due to various reasons, including poor adhesion, moisture damage, temperature fluctuations, and mechanical impacts.

One of the primary reasons for flaking on oil or acrylic paint is poor adhesion between the paint layers and the surface they're painted on. This can occur if the surface wasn't adequately prepared before painting or if the wrong type of primer was used. Without a strong bond, the paint can easily peel away from the surface over time.

Exposure to excessive moisture or humidity is another common cause of flaking. When moisture seeps into the layers of paint, it can weaken the bond between them and the underlying surface, among plethora other problems. This is particularly problematic for paintings done on canvas, as the fabric is more susceptible to moisture damage than other surfaces.

Extreme changes in temperature can also contribute to flaking. When the materials in a painting expand and contract due to fluctuations in temperature, it puts stress on the paint layers. Over time, this stress can cause the paint to crack and eventually flake off.

Physical impacts or abrasions can weaken the paint layers and cause them to flake off as well. This can happen during handling, transportation, or if the painting comes into contact with a rough surface.

To prevent flaking, proactive measures must be taken to protect the integrity of the paint layers and the surface they're applied to. Proper storage is essential, as paintings should be stored in a controlled environment with stable temperature and humidity levels. Avoid hanging them in areas prone to moisture, such as basements, bathrooms, or near windows. Many people choose professional art storage facilities for their paintings not on display.

Handle paintings with care, avoiding excessive pressure or touching the painted surface directly. Use protective coverings during transportation and storage to prevent physical damage. Regular inspection is also crucial, as periodic checks can help detect any signs of flaking or deterioration early on. Early detection allows for prompt action to prevent further damage. If you notice any flaking or other issues, consult with an art conservator for professional advice.

When discussing flaking with a conservator, provide details about the painting's history, current condition, and any noticeable changes. Clear communication ensures the conservator understands the unique needs of your artwork and can provide tailored solutions to address flaking issues.

In summary, flaking is a common issue that can affect paintings done in oil or acrylic. By understanding the causes of flaking and taking preventive measures, you can safeguard your cherished artworks and ensure their longevity. If you encounter flaking on your paintings, consult with an art conservator for professional guidance and conservation treatments tailored to your artwork's specific needs.

Do you need help navigating the insurance claim process for artwork?

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our expertise is honored nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind.

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What does it mean that this article is “ syndicated”?
It’s a bit of a coup to get an article syndicated, and its certainly prestigious, as additional “proof” that the info and the author are considered far and wide authoritative and an expert in the field. So, enjoy and trust our content!! This article was syndicated for USA national redistribution.
When something is published, usually by a news source, and is made available through different venues for redistribution then it is said to be syndicated. Publications that are syndicated are usually considered of value as being from an expert, educational, new worthy or valuable for wide popular interest. See syndication page at the renowned publicity site:
This website’s syndication included:
1) Included in the ExpertClick Press Room as a ‘press release.’ (different than a ‘news release’)
2) Included in the ‘Speaker Bureau Platform Page.’
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4) Shown in the ‘News Release Results page.’
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6) Shown via RSS linked from the Press Room. (A specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)
7) Shown in the full RSS feed from ExpertClick. (Another, different specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)
8) Syndicated to As of 2006, the company had the world’s largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information, distributor of academic content and expert opinion.
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Friday, February 2, 2024

Restoring and Protecting Against Water Damage on Paintings in Rainy Southern California

Have recent bouts of rain in Southern California led to water damage on your cherished paintings? Are you noticing troubling signs such as mold, flaking, blistering, discoloration, or warping on your artwork? Fear not! This article is tailored to assist you.

While rainy weather benefits the environment, it can pose a risk to artworks. Understanding how to identify and prevent water damage is vital for art collectors. Such damage is often subtle, emphasizing the importance of early detection to preserve your valuable pieces. Here's a guide to help you navigate potential risks, safeguard your art, and collaborate with art conservation professionals.

Here’s an example of water damage on paintings: stains, vast areas of fogged or bloomed varnish and crystallization of varnish resin.
Here’s an example of water damage on paintings: stains, vast areas of fogged or bloomed varnish and crystallization of varnish resin.

Detecting Water Damage:

Water damage to paintings can manifest in various ways, including discoloration, warping, and mold growth. Keep a vigilant eye on changes in the paint surface, like flaking or blistering, as these may indicate exposure to moisture. Discoloration, appearing as yellow or brown stains, is another water damage sign. Check the back of the artwork for mold, thriving in damp conditions. If you notice any of these signs, take prompt action and consult with an art conservation professional.

Preventing Water Damage:

Effective prevention starts with proper storage and display. Ensure artworks avoid direct contact with walls and keep them away from windows and doors where water might seep in. Maintain stable humidity levels in your art storage space, as fluctuations can contribute to water damage. During rainy seasons, use dehumidifiers and inspect the storage area for leaks. Regularly assess your roof and windows to prevent water intrusion.

Climate control is very important for preventing water damage on paintings
Climate control is very important for preventing water damage on paintings

Collaborating with Art Conservation Professionals:

If you suspect water damage on paintings or other artworks, promptly consult with an art conservation professional. Each conservation/restoration project is unique, requiring an expert to determine appropriate treatments. Conservators possess the expertise to assess damage extent and recommend suitable restoration measures. When contacting a conservator, provide detailed artwork information, including dimensions, history, current condition, and noticeable changes. Clear communication ensures the conservator understands your artwork's unique needs.

Professional art conservators have the expertise to mitigate the effects of water damage on paintings and other artworks
Professional art conservators have the expertise to mitigate the effects of water damage on paintings and other artworks

Tip Summary:

Identifying Water Damage: Learn to spot signs like discoloration, warping, and mold growth.

Preventive Measures: Protect your art with proper storage, stable humidity levels, and regular maintenance.

Consulting Conservators: Engage with art conservation professionals promptly for expert assessment and restoration.

Has the water already gotten to your artwork? Fine Art Conservation Laboratories can help with your insurance claim! 

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our expertise is honored nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind. See this article for a couple short stories about art owners’ journey with insurance claim and fire/ water damage. Please call 805-564-3438 if you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation with our expert art conservators. 

This blog post has been syndicated at What does it mean that this article is “ syndicated”?

It’s a bit of a coup to get an article syndicated, and its certainly prestigious, as additional “proof” that the info and the author are considered far and wide authoritative and an expert in the field. So, enjoy and trust our content!! This article was syndicated for USA national redistribution.

When something is published, usually by a news source, and is made available through different venues for redistribution then it is said to be syndicated. Publications that are syndicated are usually considered of value as being from an expert, educational, new worthy or valuable for wide popular interest. See syndication page at the renowned publicity site:

This website’s syndication included:

1) Included in the ExpertClick Press Room as a ‘press release.’ (different than a ‘news release’)

2) Included in the ‘Speaker Bureau Platform Page.’

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6) Shown via RSS linked from the Press Room. (A specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

7) Shown in the full RSS feed from ExpertClick. (Another, different specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

8) Syndicated to As of 2006, the company had the world’s largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information, distributor of academic content and expert opinion.

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Mastering the Art Collection: Expert Guidance on Art Insurance and Preservation

Are you new to the world of art collecting or a seasoned enthusiast looking to safeguard your collection? Dive into our guide for valuable tips on preserving, insuring, and strategically managing your art collection for a lasting legacy.

Embark on the journey of art collection with our comprehensive guide tailored for beginners, seasoned collectors, and estate inheritors alike. Whether you're a novice or an experienced collector, this article is your gateway to mastering the art of preserving, insuring, and strategically managing your art collection for a lasting legacy. 

Nurturing Your Art Collection

Art collection is more than just acquiring pieces; it's about the responsibility of preserving and protecting your artistic treasures. Discover proactive strategies to nurture and safeguard your art collection for years to come.

FACL’s head art conservator, Scott M. Haskins, evaluates the condition of an heirloom painting

The Fusion of Preservation and Estate Planning

Preserving your art legacy goes beyond aesthetics; it's integral to estate planning. Learn how to seamlessly integrate preservation practices into your estate plan, ensuring a smooth transition of your art treasures to future generations. Remember to consult with seasoned appraisers and art conservation experts to weave conservation into your broader estate planning narrative.

Decoding Insurance for Art Enthusiasts

Understanding insurance intricacies is crucial for any art enthusiast. Dive into the nuances of scheduled rider coverage, differentiate between depreciable and appreciable contents, and grasp the implications of replacement cost versus market value.

For expert guidance on insurance claims for art, FACL is your go-to resource. 

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our insurance expertise is appreciated nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind. 

Strategic Art Donations as a Philanthropic Endeavor

Extend your passion for art beyond personal enjoyment through strategic art donations. Navigate the current landscape with savvy approaches, leveraging local networks, online sharing platforms, and collaborations with organizations in need.

Crafting a Lasting Legacy Through Art Provenance

Explore the stories behind each artwork encapsulated in provenance. Understand how documenting these narratives through professional mediums immortalizes the essence of each piece, serving both sentimental and practical purposes.

Provenance is an important factor that contributes to the value of an art piece

Key Takeaways for Art Enthusiasts

  • Proactive Preservation: Embrace ongoing preservation practices to proactively safeguard your art collection.
  • Seamless Estate Integration: Include art preservation in your estate plan for a smooth transition to future generations.
  • Insurance Savvy: Understand insurance intricacies, regularly reviewing policies to align with the market value of your art collection.
  • Philanthropic Impact: Explore strategic donation avenues, leveraging local networks and online platforms for a meaningful philanthropic impact.
  • Documented Provenance: Create a documented provenance archive through professional mediums, serving both sentimental and practical purposes.

Master the art of collection with a harmonious blend of preservation, insurance savvy, and strategic philanthropy. Adopt these expert tips to enhance your personal enjoyment of your collection and contribute to a broader narrative of cultural preservation. Visit the FACL website to learn more about painting and mural conservation and our services.

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It’s a bit of a coup to get an article syndicated, and its certainly prestigious, as additional “proof” that the info and the author are considered far and wide authoritative and an expert in the field. So, enjoy and trust our content!! This article was syndicated for USA national redistribution.

When something is published, usually by a news source, and is made available through different venues for redistribution then it is said to be syndicated. Publications that are syndicated are usually considered of value as being from an expert, educational, new worthy or valuable for wide popular interest. See syndication page at the renowned publicity site:

This website’s syndication included:

1) Included in the ExpertClick Press Room as a ‘press release.’ (different than a ‘news release’)

2) Included in the ‘Speaker Bureau Platform Page.’

3) Shown on the front page of ExpertClick, in rotation with other most recent posts.

4) Shown in the ‘News Release Results page.’

5) Included on optimized for searches on all my topics of expertise.

6) Shown via RSS linked from the Press Room. (A specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

7) Shown in the full RSS feed from ExpertClick. (Another, different specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

8) Syndicated to As of 2006, the company had the world’s largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information, distributor of academic content and expert opinion.

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